Ideal For Single Use. Perfect For Long Term Security.
Join the Home and Away VPN family today and experience the freedom to explore the world, stream without borders, and secure your digital life at home or on the road.
Your journey begins with Home and Away VPN. Start exploring with confidence now!
One Click Connections
Our Apps, make VPN connection a breeze.
Flexible Pricing
Only need a week, no problem. We offer flexible sign ups to suit all.
Instant Connection
Once purchased you will receive login details in moments.
Online support, 24/7 whatever the timezone we can help.
Privacy Guaranteed
No logs, ever. Your privacy is our priority.
Multiple Connections
1 Account Up to 10 devices connected at once.
Privacy and Security on the Go
Designed with the Traveller in Mind
Cybersecurity is a universal concern, and with Home and Away VPN, your online privacy is our priority. Our robust encryption and strict no-logs policy ensure that your personal information remains confidential, whether you’re enjoying a beachside paradise or managing your small office’s sensitive data. Rest easy, knowing that your digital life is shielded from prying eyes.
Wherever you Wander
Connect as if at Home to avoid Geo Blocks
Public Hotspots
Free wifi can be a blessing. But it opens you to security risks.
Hotel Wifi
Not all Hotel Wifi is secure ! Keep you data safe with Home & Away VPN
Privacy and Security At Home
VPN as part of your daily digital tool kit.
Our service is not limited to travellers; it’s equally adept at home and in small offices. Home and Away VPN provides the same robust security and seamless online experience, whether you’re working from your cozy home office or collaborating in a small business setting. Our user-friendly apps are compatible with all major devices, ensuring that your online world remains secure and accessible.
Is Big Brother Watching ?
If not, certainly advertisers and big companies are ! Hide your IP and digital foot print from prying eyes.
Does your ISP really need to know
Some things. are private, they just are. and we believe they should stay that way.
Getting the best deal !
Hotels, Flights and Holidays can often be much cheaper by using a VPN connection. in. a different. country.